Follow this short tutorial to sign up to access the Woliba GYM spaces in total autonomy.
I remind you that access is allowed only to collaborators / employees who are part of the complex
Woliba Life & Business Park.
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Click on the button
I WRITE NOW and keep your digital medical certificate at your "PC"
Our Customer Service will check the accuracy of your medical certificate and, if everything is in order, will send you a Welcome email to the address used for registration.
Fill out the registration form indicating your email and choose your identification password.
Upload your digital medical certificate and indicate the expiration date
By accessing the SHOP area of the registration platform you can purchase your subscription in total autonomy.
Accept all documents that the platform submits to you (files can be downloaded in PDF for easier reading)
Once the purchase is finalized, you will be able to access the Fitness area through the WELLNESS CLOUD APP by Teamsystem (*)
Access to the GYM will be allowed to those who have signed up and will be possible through the use of the QR CODE generated through the Wellness APP in Cloud which can be downloaded from the Google Play and App Store stores.

In coerenza con le disposizioni Ministeriali per il contenimento della pandemia e per evitare assembramenti, è obbligatorio procedere alla prenotazione della propria sessione di allenamento senza la quale l'accesso allo spazio Fitness non potrà avvenire. Sotto un breve tutorial che spiega come procedere alla prenotazione sempre attraverso l'utilizzo dell'app

The App at its first access requires the LOG IN. Click on the 3 Lines at the top left to open the menu.

Select the LOG IN item and enter the User name (e-mail address) and the Password indicated during registration on the registration portal. (This step will only be done once).
The system recognizes you and welcomes you. To access the Gym generate the QR CODE by clicking on the ENTRY button

Accedere alla sezione PRENOTAZIONI dal menù principale

Selezionare la voce CORSI in Verde

Scegliere giorno e orario di ingresso. In relazione all'abbonamento acquistato potrete prenotare la vostra presenza all'interno della palestra

Il sistema vi chiederà conferma della prenotazione appena effettuata.

The system will generate the dynamic QR CODE (10 seconds) which must be scanned by the reader located at the turnstile. If the QR CODE expires, it can be regenerated immediately with the same procedure.